Art therapy provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to express themselves creatively through various art materials and techniques.

Art therapy sessions are tailored to fit a participant's interests and strengths, in order to achieve their individual goals. During art therapy, the participant is taking part in a process of self-discovery that gives them a safe space to express their feelings, and also allows them to feel more in control over their lives.

The client has control over the art-making process and the art will take them where they need to go.

Overall, art therapy combines the therapeutic benefits of creating art with the insights gained through self-expression and reflection, promoting holistic healing and well-being.


"Life is a big canvas; throw all the paint on it you can"

 - Danny Kaye


About Me

ArtYo is a specialized Art Therapy center for people experiencing challenges with mental health & disabilities. I provide individual face to face Art Therapy in the studio at Sela House, Maitland.