In the creative act, conflict is re-experienced, resolved and integrated

  • Art is a powerful form of communication.

  • Art provides an opportunity to explore problems and discover possibilities for change.

  • Art externalizes the problem, making it easier to explore.

  • Art therapy has little to do with aesthetic value, or making something pretty

  • Artwork can provide visual representations that allow clients to picture scenarios, experience possibilities, participate in role plays, and reframe their meaning.

  • Art therapy can provide a “visible trail”, or visual record, of their therapeutic journey.

  • Art therapy taps into different parts of the brain than talk therapy alone.

"Through art alone are we able to emerge from ourselves, to know what another person sees of a universe which is not the same as our own."

 - Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time. 


About Me

ArtYo is a specialized Art Therapy center for people experiencing challenges with mental health & disabilities. I provide individual face to face Art Therapy in the studio at Sela House, Maitland.